Tips for a More Organized Move

By Zach Ottenweller

November 30, 2021
Moving can be a stressful process. Prepare to have the most organized move by following these tips for planning and packing.

Moving into a new place can be a messy process. Once you’ve decided whether to rent or buy your space and you’ve found the right place for you, you must start planning, preparing, and packing. But how do you avoid the chaos of an unorganized move? It is so easy to push things off until the last minute and let unlabeled boxes pile up. Here are a few tips on how to plan for an organized move.


Start Preparing Early

Nothing leads to an unorganized move like waiting until the day before the move to pack everything up. As soon as you secure your home or apartment and finalize your moving date, it’s time to get planning. 

Write It All Out

Start a Moving Planner

Nothing says organization like an old-fashioned written planner. Having a moving-specific planner with all necessary dates, packing goals, and any important information makes sure that you avoid the stress of losing anything. You can include your mover’s phone number, moving estimates, utility transfer information, address changes, and anything else you’d need to find so it is all in one place.

Create Your Personalized Moving Timeline

No two moves are the same. Organizing the timeline of your move is fully dependent on your unique situation. Taking the time early in your moving process to chart out your dates, times, and personal deadlines is a good way to keep your mind — and your move — more organized. This can live in your moving planner.

Add Your Moving Tasks to Your Current Calendar

If you are currently a planner user or a to-do list maker, adding your moving tasks to your weekly schedule keeps the big move at the top of your mind. If you have a hard time remembering deadlines or your personal timeline, this is a great tip to implement.

While You’re Packing

Declutter First

The less you have, the less you need to pack! Going through your current home before packing up eliminates extra boxes. Plus, it makes unpacking easier later when you don’t move the items you no longer want or need.

Go Room by Room 

When starting your packing process, it is good practice to start in the least used room in your home. Tackle one room at a time to be most efficient and organized. Once the room is completely clear and packed up, label each box accordingly and try to keep them together. 

Label Your Boxes Clearly

Most of the time, writing “books” on a box with a permanent marker is not enough. In order to have the most organized move, you need to be more specific. Write the room it should go in, as well as a breakdown of the content, directly on the box.

If you want to take it a step further, use a color-coding system; using post-its or colored paper, label each box by color according to the room the movers should take it. Place the same color on the door or wall of the room in which those boxes need to be placed.

Whether your new home is in a brand new town or just down the street, moving can be a stressful and chaotic process. By taking these extra steps, you’ll ensure that you have an organized move (and a bit more peace of mind).

Looking to move in the Cleveland area? Moving Buddy makes relocating in Northeast Ohio easy with pay-as-you-go pricing, instant online booking, and boxes delivered to your door. You can rest easy knowing your items are being safely transported and delivered at the date and time chosen by you at booking. Book a move with us today!

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